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無論您的退款原因如何,所有付款均不予退還。請在購買/註冊計劃之前仔細考慮。所有物品均不可轉讓。 One Yoga 保留根據情況需要更改課程形式和時間的權利。我們保留安排所有培訓計劃的所有權利。您在購買/註冊時提供的姓名應與參加該計劃的人相同。如果參與者的個人信息與記錄不符,我們保留拒絕/拒絕您參與的權利。如果情況需要,描述頁面上列出的計劃詳細信息可能會發生變化。如果您有任何問題,請在購買前與我們聯繫。
學生必須在課前閱讀並理解 One Yoga Studio 的免責聲明。您在練習時應注意自己的人身安全,並同意不危及其他學生的安全。您已閱讀並同意以下安全免責聲明。您同意遵守One Yoga (Wan Chai) Limited(“One Yoga”)及其關聯公司和/或代理的規則。通過註冊我們的計劃,您確認您已閱讀、理解並同意:
1.您自願參加這些活動,並在活動期間對自己的安全負責。您完全理解並承認,所有運動,包括活動期間的所有身體和身體姿勢、動作、活動和用力,都存在人身傷害風險,包括可能嚴重受傷或在最壞的情況下可能導致死亡。您承認並同意,是否進行這些練習完全是我自己的選擇。在參加活動期間,您將對自己的健康和福祉負全部責任。 One Yoga 對您在參加活動時可能遭受的任何傷害或損害(無論是自己造成的、由我們或任何第三方或任何其他方式造成的)概不負責。
2. 您了解在場地/演播室使用過程中,現場可能沒有老師在場。你對我自己的安全負責。
3. 您在此確認您適合參加活動和/或活動。
4.您同意在活動期間聽從工作室的指示。您理解並同意您不應參加任何身體不適合我的活動,並且在使用 One Yoga 設備時存在受傷風險。
5. 您了解在下列情況下應立即停止活動: i) 感覺不適時; ii) 當您不願意接受活動的風險時;或 iii) 當被指示/要求停止時。
6. 如工作室要求,您理解並同意您需要提供相關的個人身份證明文件以供核實。
7. 您同意遵守工作室不時制定的所有規章制度。
8. 您理解本工作室在發生爭議時對任何規章制度(包括本和/或任何其他解釋和/或行使規章制度的聲明)擁有唯一和最終解釋權
1. 價格變動。我們保留以我們全權酌情決定的任何方式和任何時間更改我們的訂閱計劃或調整我們的服務或其任何組件的定價的權利。您的訂閱計劃的任何價格變動或變更將在通知您後生效。
2. 不退款。付款不可退還,部分使用期間不予退款或抵免。但是,在任何取消之後,您將在當前計費期結束之前繼續訪問該服務。
One Yoga服務
1.您必須年滿18歲才能成為會員。未滿 18 歲或適用的成年年齡的個人只能在父母或法定監護人的參與下,在此人的帳戶下使用該服務,並以其他方式遵守這些使用條款。
2. One Yoga 服務和通過我們的服務查看的任何內容僅供您個人和非商業用途使用,不得與個人共享。在您成為會員期間,我們授予您訪問 One Yoga 服務和通過該服務查看 One Yoga 內容的有限、非排他性、不可轉讓的權利。除上述情況外,不得將任何權利、所有權或利益轉讓給您。您同意不使用該服務進行公開表演。
3. 您可以主要在您建立帳戶的國家內查看 One Yoga 內容,並且只能在我們提供服務並獲得許可的地理位置查看此類內容。可能可供觀看的內容會因地理位置而異,並且會不時更改。
4. One Yoga 服務,包括內容庫,定期更新。此外,我們不斷測試我們服務的各個方面,包括但不限於我們的網站、用戶界面、促銷功能和 One Yoga 內容的可用性。
5. One Yoga 內容的顯示質量可能因設備而異,並可能受到多種因素的影響,例如您的位置、可用帶寬和/或您的互聯網連接速度。請與您的 Internet 提供商聯繫,了解可能的 Internet 數據使用費用信息。 One Yoga 不對您在顯示器上的觀看體驗質量做出任何陳述或保證。開始觀看 One Yoga 內容節目所需的時間會因許多因素而異,包括您的位置、當時的可用帶寬、您選擇的 One Yoga 內容以及您的設備配置。
訪問 One Yoga 網站即表示您同意接受這些條款受香港法律管轄並按其解釋。對於與這些條款或您對 One Yoga 網站的使用或以任何方式由內容引起的任何爭議,您還接受法院的專屬管轄權。
第 2 節 – 參與條款
(1) 簡介
(2) 健康和醫療狀況
✦ 您的身體狀況適合參加我們的瑜伽課程;和
✦ 您不知道遭受或最近遭受過任何可能使您在進行任何鍛煉時更容易受到傷害風險的醫療或身體狀況、傷害或殘疾(“既往狀況”)。
✦ 您正在遭受或最近遭受任何先前存在的疾病;
✦ 您正在或最近正在服用任何可能使您在進行任何鍛煉時更容易受傷風險的藥物。
✦ 您感覺或經歷任何疼痛或不適的跡象
✦ 您不願意接受可能與任何特定運動相關的受傷風險程度;或者
✦ 已指示您停止。
(3) 不作任何陳述或保證
除了: (i) 瑜伽課的日期和時間; (ii) 費用; (iii) 每個訂閱套餐中的課程數量,已以書面形式明確約定,我們對我們的瑜伽課程不做任何陳述、保證、承諾和保證。
✦ 在我們的瑜伽課上您不會直接或間接受到任何傷害;
✦ 您將達到任何特定水平的瑜伽練習能力;
✦ 參加我們的瑜伽課程會改善您的健康狀況;或者
✦ 瑜伽課程將在任何特定時期繼續運行。
(4) 責任限制和排除
(5) 使用照片和錄像
您授予我們和任何受讓人或被許可人或其中任何人的許可,以使用我們瑜伽課的任何照片、電影、視頻記錄和其他參考資料或記錄,這些資料或記錄可能出於任何目的描繪、記錄或提及您(“肖像”),包括我們、我們的讚助商和我們的被許可人的商業用途。此許可可在世界任何地方和 Internet 上無限期使用。您理解並同意,您不會因同意使用您的“贊”而獲得補償或額外考慮,並且您不會有機會接收、檢查或批准可能可能導致的促銷或營銷材料、消息和/或內容使用我的肖像。
(6) 導師
(7) 可分割性
(8) 法律和管轄權
(9) 我們的詳細信息
在本免責聲明中,“我們”指(而“我們”和“我們的”指)One Yoga (Wan Chai) Limited,一家在香港註冊成立的有限責任公司。
Terms & Conditions
In using the One Yoga websites, you are agreeing to be legally bound by these terms as modified from time to time (‘Terms’). Before using the One Yoga websites it is your responsibility to read our Privacy Policy and to inform One Yoga if you do not want us to collect information about you, and reject any cookies.
Use of the One Yoga websites
The One Yoga websites are owned and operated by One Yoga. One Yoga reserves the right to suspend or to terminate your access to the One Yoga websites at any time, with or without notice.
All intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the content displayed on the One Yoga websites (‘Content’) belong to One Yoga or its licensors.
Use of Content
The One Yoga websites and the Content may only be used for your personal, non-commercial use. For this purpose alone you may retrieve and display the Content on a computer screen, except for this, you agree not to download, copy, reproduce, modify, store, archive, show in public, redistribute or commercially exploit in any way any part of the Content without the prior written permission of One Yoga. You agree not to use the Content or the Website for any illegal or improper purpose, nor for any purpose which might infringe the rights of others or which might harass or cause inconvenience or distress to any person.
You also agree to abide by all copyright notices and restrictions attached to the Content and not to remove or alter any such notice or restriction or alter the Content in any way.
Limitation of liability and disclaimer
One Yoga obtains the Content from a wide range of sources and it includes facts, views, opinions and information likely to be of interest to users of the Website.
While all reasonable care is taken, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, performance or fitness for any particular purpose of the One Yoga websites and the Content nor do we endorse or accept any responsibility for any views, advice, recommendations or opinions expressed on the One Yoga websites or any website to which we link.
The Content should only be used for your general information and use and not by way of specific recommendation or advice as your circumstances are different to other users.
Before taking any action or decision based in whole or in part on the Content, you should always make your own independent checks of any information that is important in making such decision or taking such action. You should also seek professional advice in appropriate circumstances (such as medical advice.)
One Yoga does not give any warranties in respect of the One Yoga websites or the Content, freedom from viruses or other contamination or that the One Yoga websites is compatible with any computer systems, software and browsers.
All implied warranties or duties are excluded save if and to the extent that they may not lawfully be excluded.
One Yoga shall not be liable for any claims, losses, injuries, penalties, damages, costs or expenses arising from your use of, or inability to use the One Yoga websites or the Content or from any action taken, or omitted to be taken, as a result of using the One Yoga websites or the Content.
To the fullest possible extent allowed by law, you agree that One Yoga will not be liable to you and/or any other person for any consequential or incidental damages (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of privacy or for failure to fulfill any duty) or for any other indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever that arise out of or are related to your use of the One Yoga websites or the Content or to any breach of the terms by One Yoga.
You agree that your exclusive remedy, shall be limited to the direct damages (if any) which you actually incur in reasonable and exclusive reliance on the One Yoga websites or the Content, and for which we may be held liable by a competent court, of up to a limit of the refund of the amount you paid (if any) in relation to the particular use of the One Yoga websites or the Content in total during the month in which the damage first incurred.
One Yoga contains links to other web sites operated by parties who are wholly separate from One Yoga. Such links are provided for your convenience and reference only and One Yoga cannot be held responsible in any way for the content, operation or availability of such websites.
Competitions, prize draws and promotions
One Yoga may on occasion run competitions or prize draws either on its own behalf, for other parties or in conjunction with commercial partners. These will be subject to additional rules and conditions which will be made available at the time of any such competition.
Changes to these Terms
One Yoga reserves the right to make changes to any part of the One Yoga websites and to add to or change these Terms or the Privacy Policy. It is your responsibility to refer to the Terms whenever you access the One Yoga websites. Every time you access the One Yoga websites you agree to be bound by the Terms and the Privacy Policy as varied or amended from time to time.
Sales Policy
All payments made are non-refundable regardless of your reason for refund. Please think carefully before you make a purchase/enroll in a programme. All items are not-transferrable. One Yoga reserves the right to change the format and time of the programme should situation requires. We reserve all the rights in the arrangement of all training programme. The name you provided at purchase/enrollment should be the same as the person attending the programme. We reserve the right to reject/refuse your participation if the participant’s personal details do not match with the record. The programme details listed on the description page are subject to change should circumstances require. Please check with us before purchase if you have any question.
Studio Rules
By enrolling in our programme, you agree to abide by our studio rules from time to time. The studio rules are put in place to ensure order and safety in class. Failure in complying with the class rules may result in expel from class.
Students are required to read and understand the Disclaimer of One Yoga Studio before class. You shall be careful of your own personal safety during practice and you agree not to endanger yourself of the safety of other students. You have read and agree to the following safety disclaimer. You agree to be abided by the rules of One Yoga (Wan Chai) Limited (“One Yoga”) and its affiliates and/or agents. By enrolling in our programme, you confirm that you have read, understand and agree that:
1. You join these activities voluntarily and am responsible for my own safety during the activities. you fully understand and acknowledge that all exercise including all physical and bodily positions, movements, activities and exertions during the activities involves a risk of personal injury, including possibly serious injury or in the extreme worst case scenario potentially death. you acknowledge and agree that it is entirely my own choice whether or not to perform these exercises. you will take full responsibility for your own health and well-being while attending the activities. One Yoga will not be responsible for any injury or damage (whether self-inflicted, caused by us or any third party or by any other means) that you may suffer while attending the activities.
2. You understand that during the use of the venue/studio, there may be no teacher at the spot. you are responsible for my own safety.
3. You hereby confirm that you am fit and healthy for the activity and/or activities.
4. You agree to follow the instructions of the studio during the activity. you understand and agree that you should not take part in any activity which is not suitable for me physically and there is risk of injuries in the use of equipment in One Yoga.
5. You understand you should stop the activity immediately under the following situations: i) when feeling unwell; ii) when you are not willing to accept the risks of the activities; or iii) when being instructed/asked to stop.
6. If so requested by the studio, you understand and agree that you need to provide relevant personal identification documents for verification purposes.
7. You agree to follow all the rules and regulations set by the studio from time to time.
8. You understand the studio has the sole and final right in the interpretation of any rules and regulations (including this and/or any other statement explaining and/or exercising the rules and regulations) in the event of dispute
9. When in doubt about any activity inside the studio, you shall inform the studio immediately.
Home Practice
If you would like to practice at home, it is important that you ensure that environment is safe for practice. You acknowledge that it is entirely your sole responsibility in ensuring your own safety during practice. You are expected to exercise your own judgement as to what is a suitable practice for yourself and you should not attempt any practice that you are not comfortable with, regardless of the instructions of the teacher in the video. You understand that all video are pre-recorded and teachers would not be aware of your physical condition and the environment in which you practice. The instructions may or may not be suitable for you given your specific circumstances. You agree to take sole responsibility for your health and safety when practice alone.
Billing and Cancellation
1. Changes to the Price. We reserve the right to change our subscription plans or adjust pricing for our service or any components thereof in any manner and at any time as we may determine in our sole and absolute discretion. Any price changes or changes to your subscription plan will take effect following notice to you.
2. No Refunds. Payments are nonrefundable and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods. Following any cancellation, however, you will continue to have access to the service through the end of your current billing period.
One Yoga Service
1. You must be 18 years of age to become a member. Individuals under the age of 18, or applicable age of majority, may utilize the service only with the involvement of a parent or legal guardian, under such person’s account and otherwise subject to these terms of use.
2. The One Yoga service and any content viewed through our service are for your personal and non-commercial use only and may not be shared with individuals. During your membership, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access the One Yoga service and view One Yoga content through the service. Except for the foregoing, no right, title or interest shall be transferred to you. You agree not to use the service for public performances.
3. You may view One Yoga content primarily within the country in which you have established your account and only in geographic locations where we offer our service and have licensed such content. The content that may be available to watch will vary by geographic location and will change from time to time.
4. The One Yoga service, including the content library, is regularly updated. In addition, we continually test various aspects of our service, including but not limited to our website, user interfaces, promotional features and availability of One Yoga content.
5. The quality of the display of the One Yoga content may vary from device to device, and may be affected by a variety of factors, such as your location, the bandwidth available through and/or speed of your Internet connection. Please check with your Internet provider for information on possible Internet data usage charges. One Yoga makes no representations or warranties about the quality of your watching experience on your display. The time it takes to begin watching One Yoga content show will vary based on a number of factors, including your location, available bandwidth at the time, the One Yoga content you have selected and the configuration of your device.
Hong Kong Law
By accessing the One Yoga websites you agree to accept that these Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. You also accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court in relation to any dispute that may arise in connection with these Terms or your use of the One Yoga websites or arising in any way from the Content.
Section 2 – Participation Terms
Once you enroll in our programme/training/course, you agree to the follows:
(1) Introduction
This disclaimer governs your and our rights and obligations in relation to your subscription and attendance of our yoga classes.
You fully understand and acknowledge that all exercise including all physical and bodily positions, movements, activities and exertions during our yoga classes (“Exercise”) involves a risk of personal injury, including possibly serious injury or in the extreme worst casescenario potentially death.You acknowledge and agree that it is entirely your own choicewhether or not to perform Exercise under the guidance of our yoga instructors andundertake to listen to and follow the instructions of our yoga instructors attentively before, during and after any Exercise during our yoga classes at all times. You must never attempt any Exercise beyond the degree of exertion and difficulty which you are able to manage comfortably without incurring risk of injury. You will take full responsibility for your own health and well-being while attending our yoga classes. Your practice outside our yoga classes is entirely at your ownrisk.
We will not be responsible for any injury or damage (whether self-inflicted, caused by us or any third party or by any other means) that you may suffer while attending our yoga class(es). You are encouraged to take out insurance if you have any concerns.
(2) Health and medical conditions
You acknowledge and represent that:
✦ you are in proper physical condition to participate in our yoga classes; and
✦ you have no knowledge of suffering or having recently suffered from any medical or physical condition, injury or disability that might make you more susceptible to risk of injurywhen performing anyExercise (“Pre-existing Condition”).
You must inform us at the earliest opportunity (in any event before any yoga classes) if:
✦ you are suffering or have recently suffered from any Pre-existing Condition;
✦ you are or have recently been on prescription of any medicine or drugs that might make you more susceptible to risk of injury when performing any Exercise.
You must listen to and follow the instructions of our yoga instructors attentively before, during and after any Exercise during our yoga classes at all times. You must never attempt any Exercise beyond the degree of exertion and difficulty which you are able to manage comfortably without incurring risk of injury.
If at any point you have questions or doubts about how to perform any Exercise during yoga classes, you should immediately inform the instructor and seek clarification.
You agree to stop performing Exercise immediately (or otherwise continue to perform Exercise at your own risk) during our yoga classes if:
✦ you feel or experience any signs of pain or discomfort
✦ you are not willing to accept the degree of risk of injury that might be associated with any particular Exercise; or
✦ you have been instructed to stop.
You agree to be considerate and leave sufficient space between you and others attending our yoga classes. You agree not to attend our yoga classes if you have contracted any contagious illness or disease and we reserve the right to refuse your entry and participation inour yoga classes at our full discretion.
You are encouraged to bring your own yoga mat if you have any concerns. You accept that we have no control and cannot make any representations over our customers’ well-being and we do not accept any responsibility for any illness or disease that may be spread during yoga classes.
We may in our sole discretion askyou not to perform any Exercise during a yoga class.
(3) No representations or warranties
Other than: (i) dates and time of yoga classes; (ii) fees; (iii) number of classes in each subscription package, which have been expressly agreed in writing,we make no representations, warranties, undertakings and guarantees relating to our yoga classes.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, we do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee:
✦ that you will not suffer from any injury directly or indirectly during our yoga classes;
✦ that you will attain any particular level of ability in performing yoga Exercise;
✦ that your fitness will improve as a result of participation in our yoga classes; or
✦ that the yoga classes will continue to run for any specific period.
(4) Limitations and exclusions of liability
The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this section and elsewhere in this disclaimer govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer or in relation to our yoga classes, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty.
We will not be liable to you in respect of any personal injury (including without limitation serious injury or death) that you may suffer or sustain directly or indirectly as a result of attending our yoga classes. Nor will we be liable to you in respect of any other losses arising as a result of any such personal injury.
We will not be liable to you in respect of any of your personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged before, during or after an yoga class. You should at all times keep watch over your personal property.
We will not be liable to you in respect of any losses arising out of any event or events beyond our reasonable control.
We will not be liable to you in respect of any business losses, including (without limitation) loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, commercial opportunities or goodwill.
We will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.
If any of the exclusion clauses were deemed to be unenforceable, you agree that our liability will be limited in any event to the fees that you have paid for our yoga classes.
(5) Use of photographs and video recordings
You grant your permission to us and any transferee or licensee or any of them, to utilise any photographs, motion pictures, video recordings and other references or records of our yoga classes which may depict, record or refer to you for any purpose (“Likeness”), including commercial use by us, our sponsors and our licensees. This permission is for use anywhere in the world and on the Internet and for an unlimited period of time. You understand and agree that you will not be compensated or receive additional consideration for consenting to the use of your Likeness and that you will not be given a chance to receive, inspect or approve the promotional or marketing material, messages and/or content that may use my Likeness.
(6) Instructors
Our instructors are contractors and not our employees or agents and we are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by acts or omissions of our instructors.
The limitations and exclusions of liability in these terms and conditions protect our instructors as well as protecting us.
We do not make any representations or warranties about the credentials, experience or skills of our instructors.
(7) Severability
You agree that these terms and conditions should continue to have effect to the maximum extent as permitted under law. If any section of this disclaimer is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, you agree that only the relevant part of such section that is so determined to be unlawful and/or unenforceable should be struck out and severed from the remainder of the section and thatall other sections of this disclaimer continue in effect.
(8) Law and jurisdiction
This disclaimer shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Hong Kong law, and any disputes relating to this disclaimer or our yoga classes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.
(9) Our details
In this disclaimer, “we” means (and “us” and “our” refer to) One Yoga (Wan Chai) Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong.