感謝您選擇 One Yoga 作為您瑜伽旅程的嚮導。我們很高興能與您一起參加這個線上瑜伽老師培訓計劃。這是香港首個100%在線瑜伽老師培訓課程。在這個 200 小時的課程中,我們將從最基本的瑜伽知識開始學習。課程的內容涵蓋歷史、哲學、瑜伽解剖學、體式練習等主題。
本課程旨在為您的學習提供最大的靈活性。您有 6 個月的時間來完成課程。課程包含 15 個主題。每個部分都包含各種子分題和課節。這些課節被設計成彼此獨立的短課節。目的就是讓您可以輕鬆地隨時開始和停止學習。由於翻譯上的限制,我們建議你以英文的文字內容為主,並以中文內容為參考。
體式練習部分包含一系列不同風格的瑜伽練習影片。它們通常長達 1 小時。我們建議您將這些練習與其他的課節結合起來,以便您在課程期間定期進行一些體式練習。
雖然建議您按照各部分的順序完成學習,但您也可以按照自己喜歡的順序自由瀏覽這些主題。您有 6 個月的時間來完成課程。與典型的線下課程相比,可以學習的時間是兩倍。你可以自由決定以多快的速度完成課程。無論您的學習速度如何,我們強烈建議您每週抽出時間進行學習,以養成習慣。
Welcome Yogi!
Thank you for choosing One Yoga as your partner for your yoga journey. We are so excited to have you with us for this online yoga teacher training programme. This is the first 100% online yoga teacher training programme in such format in Hong Kong. In this 200-hour programme we will start from the very basic of yoga, covering topics like history, philosophy, yoga anatomy, asana practice and many more.
This programme has been designed to give you maximum flexibility in the way you learn. You have 6-month to complete the programme. The programme comprises 15 sections. Each section contains a variety of sub-sections and lessons. The lessons have been designed to be bite-size and independent of each other. The idea is to make it easy for you to start and stop learning anytime without having to struggle with finding where you last left off.
The section Asana Practice contains a series of yoga lessons of different styles. They are typically 1 hour long. We do recommend you blend that with your study of the other sections so that you have some physical practice regularly during the programme.
Most of the lessons would begin with a short video, followed by some short reading underneath the video. In some lessons there would also be graphic and short reading to aid your learning. We have also included audio sound track of the text in the lesson which you could play to listen if you do not like to read. In most sections there are short quizzes to test your knowledge. There is no pressure in getting all answers right. It is okay even if you fail certain quizzes. The purpose of these quizzes is to help you learn better, not as a source of stress.
In the next lesson you will find the link to the programme manual which you could download and print. The manual would serve as a good resource for revision. You are strongly encouraged to take your own notes along the way. When it comes to the Asana based topics, it is important for you to practice on your own safely after watching the video. After all, you could only master the skills when you use the knowledge you have acquired. It is okay that you can not do some of the poses. Yoga is a journey. It takes time to be able to master certain skills. For some people, even the most capable yogis, it could take years for someone to master a particular Asana. Work hard but do not beat yourself up if you can’t do something on the first try.
While it is recommended that you follow the order of the sections to complete your learning, you are also free to go through these topics in your own preferred order. You have 6-month to complete the programme. This is twice the amount of time available compared to a typical offline programme. It is upto you how quickly you want to complete the programme. Regardless of your learning speed, we strongly recommend that you commit a time every week to do the learning to make it a habit.
If you have any question, feel free to leave a comment in the comment box and we will reply as soon as we can!
Are you ready to begin your journey now?
Happy learning!
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